FAQs - Beehive marking in Western Australia
FAQs - Beehive marking in Western Australia
- make the marking of hives with beekeepers’ registered identifiers easier for WA beekeepers.
- ensure all beekeepers are required to mark their hives, regardless of how long they intend to be a beekeeper.
- read the consultation paper, consultation draft, proposed hive marking requirements and these FAQs
- register (if you have previously registered on this site, then just sign in)
- complete the survey.
Why are the regulations being amended?
These amendments are necessary to improve traceability for the bee industry in the event of a pest or disease outbreak in Western Australia (WA). Clearly identifiable hives enable beekeepers to be contacted and hives traced, if varroa mite or other exotic bee pests or diseases are detected in WA.
The revised requirements will:
How will I know what is expected of beekeepers once the regulations change?
The requirements for marking hives will be approved by the Director General and then published on the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) website. Beekeepers will be able to find the requirements in that part of the website dedicated to publishing matters approved by the Director General.
DPIRD will contact registered beekeepers to advise when the approval is published.
My hives are already marked in accordance with the current Biosecurity and Agriculture Management (Identification and Movement of Stock and Apiaries) Regulations 2013. Will I need to do anything?
DPIRD is proposing a 12-month transition period after the amended regulations come into effect to allow beekeepers to change the markings on their hives if the identifier is marked in letters and/or numerals less than the proposed height of 19 mm.
If your current markings meet the proposed requirements you will not have to do anything, but if your markings are less than the proposed 19 mm height, you will need to replace them in an approved manner.
Do I need to mark my hives if I am an unregistered beekeeper?
All beekeepers in Western Australia must be registered and mark their hives with their registered identifier.
If you are an unregistered beekeeper the information you need to become registered is available on the department's Registering as an owner of stock or as a beekeeper webpage.
How can I make a submission?
To make a submission:
If you have any questions or difficulties registering or using the survey, please email: HiveMarkingRegulations@dpird.wa.gov.au
What are the next steps once consultation closes?
Following the closing date, DPIRD will consider feedback and amend the consultation draft as appropriate. A consultation report will be published on the DPIRD YourSay site and submitters to the consultation will be notified.
What happens to the information in my submission?
Submissions may be published online as part of a summary report after the consultation period has ended, but you can request your submission not be published. The online survey form will ask you to nominate whether you wish to have your submission published.
I need more information before I make a submission. Who can I contact?
For more information before making your submission, please email HiveMarkingRegulations@dpird.wa.gov.au