Sheep and goat electronic identification (eID)
Consultation on regulatory amendments to enable the transition to mandatory sheep and goat eID in Western Australia
In 2022, all Australian Agriculture Ministers agreed to support a national transition from visual tagging to electronic identification (eID) of sheep and goats to improve traceability.
The National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) visual tagging system for sheep and goats will be phased out from 1 January 2025 in Western Australia, with full adoption of mandatory eID to be achieved by 1 July 2026.
In order to implement eID in WA, the current Biosecurity and Agriculture Management (Identification and Movement of Stock And Apiaries) Regulations 2013 (the Regulations) must be amended.
- The background and amendments are summarised in the consultation paper.
- You can read the full version of the draft Regulations in the consultation draft.
Have your say
We are now seeking your feedback on the amended Regulations.
Noting that sheep and goat eID is a nationally agreed objective, this consultation will only consider feedback relevant to the proposed amendments. It is strongly recommended to read the consultation paper and the consultation frequently asked questions (FAQs) so it is clear what is in scope.
To make a submission:
- register (if you have previously registered, then just sign in on the top right of the YourSay homepage)
- complete the survey.
If you have any difficulties registering or using the survey, please email:
Note: Deidentified submissions may be published online at the conclusion of the consultation and cited in a publicly available report.
Submissions close on Thursday 10 October 2024 at 5pm.
Next steps
Following the closing date, DPIRD will consider feedback and amend the Regulations if appropriate, and publish a consultation report on this webpage. Stakeholders will be advised when the consultation report is published.
The Minister for Agriculture and Food will approve the final Regulations prior to their publication on the WA Legislation website.