Consultation on acts of veterinary medicine in Western Australia

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Update on Veterinary Practice Regulations

To enable the new Veterinary Practice Act 2021 to commence operation as soon as possible, the Minister for Agriculture and Food, the Hon. Alannah MacTiernan MLC, advised the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) to expedite development of the Veterinary Practice Regulations 2022 by implementing them in two tranches. A statement containing more information from Minister MacTiernan is attached in the Documents folder.

The new Act and Tranche 1 of the Veterinary Practice Regulations came into effect on 18 June 2022. Tranche 1 contains essential and/or machinery provisions, and otherwise retains the substance of the provisions under the Veterinary Surgeon Regulations 1979.

Tranche 2 of the new Veterinary Practice Regulations will be developed with broad stakeholder consultation. This will update and improve substantive provisions to produce contemporary, fit-for-purpose regulations for the veterinary profession. To read the tranche 2 consultation paper, and to make a submission by 5pm 29 July 2022, go to: Veterinary Practice Regulations 2022 - tranche 2 consultation.

Submissions to the initial consultation on proposed acts of veterinary medicine have informed the Veterinary Practice Regulations 2022 - tranche 2 consultation paper and DPIRD is currently further consulting with representative industry organisations on pregnancy and spaying.

To contact our consultation team, email

Consultation on acts of veterinary medicine in Western Australia is now closed.

Thank you to all those who provided feedback during the consultation period.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) has reviewed the submissions and is continuing to consult with stakeholders as part of the development of tranche 2 of the Veterinary Practice Regulations. A report will be published and communicated to stakeholders once consultation has been finalised.

Consultation process

The performing of ‘acts of veterinary medicine’ in Western Australia is restricted to veterinarians to protect the health, safety and welfare of animals and the community.

The recently introduced Veterinary Practice Act 2021 includes provisions for Veterinary Practice Regulations to prescribe what will be ‘acts of veterinary medicine’.

To assist with the drafting of the Veterinary Practice Regulations, DPIRD encouraged veterinarians, veterinary nurses, animal health providers, livestock industry and animal welfare stakeholders to review the consultation paper in the Documents link and provide input through a submission.

The consultation paper provided background information, current legal requirements and options for consideration for the Veterinary Practice Regulations including:

1. Proposed acts of veterinary medicine

2. Regulatory options for the pregnancy testing of cattle

3. Regulatory options for the spaying of cattle

Before providing feedback, stakeholders were asked to read the consultation paper and frequently asked questions. Stakeholders could also use the Q&A section at the bottom of this page to ask a question or email

Submissions were made via the online form.

Submissions may be published online at the conclusion of the consultation and may also be cited in a publicly available report. Submitters who did not want their name published, or would like their submission to remain confidential, were asked to state this in their submission.

Update on Veterinary Practice Regulations

To enable the new Veterinary Practice Act 2021 to commence operation as soon as possible, the Minister for Agriculture and Food, the Hon. Alannah MacTiernan MLC, advised the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) to expedite development of the Veterinary Practice Regulations 2022 by implementing them in two tranches. A statement containing more information from Minister MacTiernan is attached in the Documents folder.

The new Act and Tranche 1 of the Veterinary Practice Regulations came into effect on 18 June 2022. Tranche 1 contains essential and/or machinery provisions, and otherwise retains the substance of the provisions under the Veterinary Surgeon Regulations 1979.

Tranche 2 of the new Veterinary Practice Regulations will be developed with broad stakeholder consultation. This will update and improve substantive provisions to produce contemporary, fit-for-purpose regulations for the veterinary profession. To read the tranche 2 consultation paper, and to make a submission by 5pm 29 July 2022, go to: Veterinary Practice Regulations 2022 - tranche 2 consultation.

Submissions to the initial consultation on proposed acts of veterinary medicine have informed the Veterinary Practice Regulations 2022 - tranche 2 consultation paper and DPIRD is currently further consulting with representative industry organisations on pregnancy and spaying.

To contact our consultation team, email

Consultation on acts of veterinary medicine in Western Australia is now closed.

Thank you to all those who provided feedback during the consultation period.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) has reviewed the submissions and is continuing to consult with stakeholders as part of the development of tranche 2 of the Veterinary Practice Regulations. A report will be published and communicated to stakeholders once consultation has been finalised.

Consultation process

The performing of ‘acts of veterinary medicine’ in Western Australia is restricted to veterinarians to protect the health, safety and welfare of animals and the community.

The recently introduced Veterinary Practice Act 2021 includes provisions for Veterinary Practice Regulations to prescribe what will be ‘acts of veterinary medicine’.

To assist with the drafting of the Veterinary Practice Regulations, DPIRD encouraged veterinarians, veterinary nurses, animal health providers, livestock industry and animal welfare stakeholders to review the consultation paper in the Documents link and provide input through a submission.

The consultation paper provided background information, current legal requirements and options for consideration for the Veterinary Practice Regulations including:

1. Proposed acts of veterinary medicine

2. Regulatory options for the pregnancy testing of cattle

3. Regulatory options for the spaying of cattle

Before providing feedback, stakeholders were asked to read the consultation paper and frequently asked questions. Stakeholders could also use the Q&A section at the bottom of this page to ask a question or email

Submissions were made via the online form.

Submissions may be published online at the conclusion of the consultation and may also be cited in a publicly available report. Submitters who did not want their name published, or would like their submission to remain confidential, were asked to state this in their submission.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This online submission process provides an opportunity for contemporary views from Western Australian stakeholders to be considered to inform the drafting of the regulations.

    There are three sections in total. 

    Please note you must register on this site in order to make a submission.

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Page last updated: 27 Jun 2022, 05:59 PM